The New York Post highlights a new toy:
It will be if the reaction from 5-year-old "Star Wars" fanatic Ryan Mogg is any indication. Mogg tried out the Force Trainer at a recent "Star Wars" toy fair. In less than a minute, he was controlling the rise and fall of a pingpong ball in a clear tube -- with his brain waves.
"It's like what Obi-Won Kenobi and Darth Maul do!" he said afterward with a big grin.
Scientists call the technology BCI, or Brain Computer Interface, and more sensitive, medical-grade versions are used to help amputees move artificial limbs and victims of paralysis communicate using a computer and software that reacts thought.
All very cool, yes. But take a look at the video posted at the bottom:
1 [breyk] Show IPA noun, verb, braked, brak⋅ing.–noun1. | a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction.
break⋅through 3. | any significant or sudden advance, development, achievement, or increase, as in scientific knowledge or diplomacy, that removes a barrier to progress: The jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport. |